ufoseries.com temporarily down

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ufoseries.com temporarily down

Marc Martin
Hi all,

Just a note to say that ufoseries.com has been down for the past couple days due to a failure at the web hosting company it's hosted at.  That failure has affected thousands of sites, and everyone is waiting for their sites to be restored (a process which has had some failures itself, which is why it's taking so long).  But I imagine it will be back up & running in the next day or two, and I have my own personal backups if the web hosting company can't restore it.

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Re: ufoseries.com temporarily down

SHADO Librarian
Methinks website issues must be contagious - SHADOLibrary.org was down for a time due to domain registrar issues.
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Re: ufoseries.com temporarily down

Oh, I feel your pain... I have 5 websites, and they have all been affected for one reason of another. Two of which I am still hosting through my own servers...

There are lots of things going on in the 'deep' or 'dark' web at the moment, and I suppose I can't blame DNS, redirectors and web hosting companies taking extra precautions. The only trouble is is takes quite some time to safely migrate...