CGI Capt.Scarlet; Betamax videos; damaged zipfiles

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CGI Capt.Scarlet; Betamax videos; damaged zipfiles

anthonyappleyard <>
(1) At the Coventry convention, they showed a short new length of Captain
Scarlet story which had been created as CGI = computer generated images
(probably with a program called Maya, same as with Walking with Dinosaurs and
Jurassic Park).
(2) At the Coventry convention, someone lamented to me that in the old days
he recorded a quantity of Fireball XL5 episodes onto Betamax videotape, and
therefore now he has no way to watch it. Where can anyone get something to
read Betamax videotape or translate it into a readable format?
(3) Extremely off-topic PS: Please where can I get a program that can
salvage what it can from a damaged zipfile? In this case, the damage is
truncation because the zipfile was too big for the floppy that he saved it to.