Contender for the worst UFO episode: 'Confetti Check-A OK'

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Re: Contender for the worst UFO episode: 'Confetti Check-A OK'

Clare Cross
This post was updated on .
"...without being arrested by the security detail that would be surrounding people like Straker (who are in charge of top secret organisation etc). It would like trying to stalk the head of the MOD (they would have security people surrounding them wherever they go)."

But for how long would this 'security detail' be attached to and 'shadow' Straker?  Forever?  Surely Straker would have been more valuable to the Aliens once SHADO was up and running.  The Big White Chief would have been quite a prize, far more so than when he was just in charge of an 'idea' or the bare bones of the organisation.  Would they still be surrounding him wherever he went ten years later?  And would this kind of surveillance have also been assigned to Freeman, Foster, Lake, Ellis, Carlin, Waterman, etc...?  It seems to me that SHADO would have had to have had a huge security department (full of staff with nothing else to do) in order to keep everyone under surveillance 24/7 in perpetuity.  It would have been a Herculean task.

The danger in likening SHADO to any 'real world' agency or organisation is that SHADO was not like any 'real world' agency or organisation and so it played by completely different rules.
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Re: Contender for the worst UFO episode: 'Confetti Check-A OK'

In reply to this post by TRT

Thanks for posting the text of the puzzle here in the forum. I was initially unable to read it clearly on my smartphone as it was too small (and I was unable to zoom) and so missed the part about the '6 day delay' ( 'the old answer in the question' trick that's always included in these riddles).  It is shocking for a children's publication to have material like that (even funnier was the answer given in it's 'calm, school-teacherly manner'). I just hope Kel Moran (whose's name I initially could only make out as either 'Kev' or 'Ken') got his tobacco fix from the next boat. Otherwise the puzzle in next year's annual would be: "Kids, just how many cuts did Kel put in his arm through 'self harm' upon the frustration of hearing that the ship will be delayed for another 6 weeks" :)

Ahh those innocent times, the seventies ..... :)
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Re: Contender for the worst UFO episode: 'Confetti Check-A OK'

In reply to this post by Clare Cross
Hi Clare

Thanks for your post. I know what you mean that there wouldn't be enough resources in SHADO to 'shadow' everyone important in the organisation. But since this was a huge meeting of SHADO operatives being held in an unsecured apartment I'm pretty sure in reality there would have been some security detail guarding outside who would have arrested the detective. They definitely could have afforded that one expense (this is before they started building moonbases & satellites etc). I mean there was an attempt on Straker's & Henderson life only a year previously so they definitely warranted some protection until SHADO was fully operative. But besides that, Straker would have been in serious trouble with the MOD for compromising SHADO security by hosting such a meeting in an unsecured location (As well as his mother-in-law & the detective in question for trailing and taking photos of both him and SHADO operative Nina Barry).

Thank you for your comments. Please do check out my other thread which I had just posted 2 days ago and tell me what you think :)
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Re: Contender for the worst UFO episode: 'Confetti Check-A OK'

Clare Cross
I think the main problem with assigning a 'security detail' to keep an eye on Straker (or any of the other high-ranking SHADO operatives or officers) is that once this was initiated, it could never be called off.  If anything, the threat, such as it is, would get worse.  I note that you have seen the episode 'E.S.P.', so I'm not spoiling it for you when I point out that there is no sign of a security detail following Straker and Freeman when they attend their midnight rendezvous with Croxley in his ruined and isolated house.  

Also worth noting that, due to the nature of their work, EVERY member of SHADO would be in possession of Above Top Secret information regarding the existence and purpose of SHADO which would make them, potentially, just as valuable to the 'enemy' or to anyone nosing around.  Yes, SHADO had very elabortate security precautions, but it seemed more geared to protecting the existence of the HQ (and associated  bases and hardware) rather than keeping a round the clock watch on selected individuals.  Interesting that when this is necessary, such as in 'Flight Path', it's Freeman who goes it alone and does the James Bond stuff.  

Again, I would reiterate the danger of trying to compare SHADO and its working practices with the MOD or the CIA or MI5 or FBI or any other 'real world' outfit.  It simply does not bear any comparison.  And, as far as the covert meeting in the apartment goes; obviously just a plot device to introduce some intrigue into the proceedings.  It's simply one of those things that it's best not to look at too deeply.  
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Re: Contender for the worst UFO episode: 'Confetti Check-A OK'

Hi Clare

You are correct when you it is best not too look too deeply into shows like this as you will always dig up flaws. But in the 'Confetti' episode these flaws are the most glaring. The fact that SHADO commanders do not have a bodyguard/ security detail with them is a flaw with the show anyway rather than just the 'Confetti' episode (but I suppose such a flaw makes for more interesting storylines like the fact that the Lunar Interceptors also only have 1 missile each which makes it a bit easier for the UFOs to slip through in order to provide more interesting storylines. The fact that Straker's wife was not inducted into SHADO at least on a 'need to know' basis is another flaw with the show (I mean it would make sense that she should at least know about the reason for SHADO and the dangers associated being the wife of the SHADO commander as she is at risk of being kidnapped by them so she can take certain steps to avoid the aliens if she encounters a UFO etc).

But the fact that Straker would host a meeting in someone's unsercured apartment with all SHADO members who are taking secret SHADO documentation with them is a massive flaw (plus the fact he wasn't reprimanded or fired for breaching security like that), and one which cannot be satisfactorily answered as it goes against the very notion of a secret organisation. But in closing I think the 'Confetti' should not have been produced (or at least its storyline should not have taken up a full episode but rather conveyed in a few brief flashbacks within a regular UFO episode), it goes against the sci-fi action/ thriller format of the show. Its episodes like 'Confetti' that would have definitely hurt the viewing figures
for the show (particularly in the US) that hindered the chances of a 'well-deserved' second season for UFO.  

BTW - have you checked out my other post on UFO regarding the flaws that I have noticed upon watching the show for the second time etc ?
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Re: Contender for the worst UFO episode: 'Confetti Check-A OK'

Clare Cross
I think it's fair to say that I have read just about every post on this forum... however, I just don't have the time, energy or inclination to comment on all of them.  
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Re: Contender for the worst UFO episode: 'Confetti Check-A OK'

Hi Clare

That's fair enough I suppose. It was a rather looong post about UFO to begin with (focusing on its theme music, questionable fashions etc) which would take some time to digest. I will be posting a few other episode reviews soon which should be much shorter etc.