Convention pictures

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Convention pictures

The good news is I've posted some pictures at the address below. ;-)

The bad news is that none of the pictures I took in the main hall came out
so there are no guest photos. :-(

Can you guess who is who on the shado egroups photo?

Answers later.

Derek Eaton
[hidden email]
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Re: Convention pictures


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
Date: 14 October 2000 13:51
Subject: Re: [SHADO] Convention pictures

>In a message dated 10/14/00 4:08:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
>[hidden email] writes:
><< Can you guess who is who on the shado egroups photo? >>
> My guess is left to right top John, Marc, I don't know the brunette
>L to Right bottom, You , someone unknown, and Lesley?
>That was a remarkable painting of Straker's office! Was it credited to

Marc has spoken to the woman who did the painting so I'm sure he can fill us

Apparently she was quite an expert on Strakers office and any changes in it
between episodes.

Derek Eaton
[hidden email]
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Re: Straker office painting

Marc Martin
>>That was a remarkable painting of Straker's office! Was it credited to

>Marc has spoken to the woman who did the painting so I'm sure he can fill us

Well, not really... :-)

I did meet the woman who painted the Straker office, but I didn't catch
her name! She certainly was an expert in what the office looked like,
and was talking about how certain glasses at the bar and other things
in the office were arranged in some episodes, and how certain items
appeared & dissappeared in some episodes!

Marc Martin, [hidden email]