Ed Bishop/Straker's voice

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Ed Bishop/Straker's voice

anthonyappleyard <MCLSSAA2@fs2.mt.umist.ac.uk>
Someone wrote about getting the surviving UFO actors to make another episode,
or something like that. If so, Ed Bishop will need some voice training, as his
voice no longer sounds like Straker's, but has got very American down the
years. That was very noticeable at Century 21, and also when I saw him at the
Fab Cafe in Manchester (UK) once.
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Re: Ed Bishop/Straker's voice

SHADO Librarian
But Straker IS American. Why should we expect for Straker to not have aged since
the actor playing him HAS??
I doubt the director of Star Trek Generations insisted Shatner have 'voice
lessons' because, with age, he no longer sounded like 'Kirk'. That was what Kirk
sounded like and looked like, William Shatner, age 65+. Ed Bishop with white hair
is what Straker looks like AND SOUNDS LIKE at 65+!

Anthony Appleyard wrote:

> Someone wrote about getting the surviving UFO actors to make another episode,
> or something like that. If so, Ed Bishop will need some voice training, as his
> voice no longer sounds like Straker's, but has got very American down the
> years. That was very noticeable at Century 21, and also when I saw him at the
> Fab Cafe in Manchester (UK) once.