Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone. I wish you all the very best of luck on this green & lucky day ;)

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Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone. I wish you all the very best of luck on this green & lucky day ;)

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Re: Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone. I wish you all the very best of luck on this green & lucky day ;)

It's not dead!
It has long rests from time to time.

Shocking. Tsk!

And, AND... I'm sure we are all far happier watching episodes of UFO than staring at a computer screen!

UFO is currently enjoying another outing on the UK's ForcesTV channel. I wonder what a bunch of squaddies reckon to having Commander Straker on in the background of the mess? Sipping a late-night cocoa with the strains of "you think I'm a pig-headed, cretinous lout, don't you?" in the background...
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Re: Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone. I wish you all the very best of luck on this green & lucky day ;)

Marc Martin
On March 17, TRT [via SHADO] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> UFO is currently enjoying another outing on the UK's ForcesTV channel.
> I wonder what a bunch of squaddies reckon to having Commander Straker
> on in the background of the mess? Sipping a late-night cocoa with the
> strains of "you think I'm a pig-headed, cretinous lout, don't you?" in
> the background...

Heh, I think Forces TV has now shown UFO more than any other channel, ever!

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Re: Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone. I wish you all the very best of luck on this green & lucky day ;)

I think you’re right! 

Currently also rerunning V the miniseries. The difference in quality is amazing. V, which I believe was shot on video tape, looks awful - the effects are terrible, the picture fuzzy, the music unconvincing and flat, the titles are dated… then UFO comes on and just rocks from start to finish. There are the odd blemishes in the UFO print Forces TV are using - hairs on some of the freeze title screens and so on, but I think they are there on every print. Not sure about the Blue-Ray edition… does someone have that to check? The most noticeable one I think is in Sound of Silence as the horse freezes mid-jump near the start.

On 17 Mar 2021, at 16:09, Marc Martin [via SHADO] <[hidden email]> wrote:

On March 17, TRT [via SHADO] <<a href="x-msg://4/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&amp;node=4024120&amp;i=0" target="_top" rel="nofollow" link="external" class="">[hidden email]> wrote:
> UFO is currently enjoying another outing on the UK's ForcesTV channel.
> I wonder what a bunch of squaddies reckon to having Commander Straker
> on in the background of the mess? Sipping a late-night cocoa with the
> strains of "you think I'm a pig-headed, cretinous lout, don't you?" in
> the background...

Heh, I think Forces TV has now shown UFO more than any other channel, ever!


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Re: Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone. I wish you all the very best of luck on this green & lucky day ;)

Marc Martin
On March 17, TRT [via SHADO] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> There are the odd blemishes in the UFO print Forces TV are
> using - hairs on some of the freeze title screens and so on, but I
> think they are there on every print. Not sure about the Blue-Ray
> edition… does someone have that to check? The most noticeable one I
> think is in Sound of Silence as the horse freezes mid-jump near the
> start.

The UFO Blu-ray set from Japan has a big hair on screen in the freeze for the episode title (THE SOUND OF SILENCE).;

The UFO Blu-ray set from the UK does NOT have that hair on it.  

The UK set cleans up a lot of blemishes on the Japan set, but I think they went too far in cleaning up, and smoothed over a lot of actual detail.
