On March 17, TRT [via SHADO] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> There are the odd blemishes in the UFO print Forces TV are
> using - hairs on some of the freeze title screens and so on, but I
> think they are there on every print. Not sure about the Blue-Ray
> edition… does someone have that to check? The most noticeable one I
> think is in Sound of Silence as the horse freezes mid-jump near the
> start.
The UFO Blu-ray set from Japan has a big hair on screen in the freeze for the episode title (THE SOUND OF SILENCE).;
The UFO Blu-ray set from the UK does NOT have that hair on it.
The UK set cleans up a lot of blemishes on the Japan set, but I think they went too far in cleaning up, and smoothed over a lot of actual detail.