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BTW; since I just read my welcome email which requests a brief introduction, I will provide one.

My name is David and at the time of this email I am a 48 year old male living in Florida.

My favorite Gerry Anderson production is "Space:1999" followed by "UFO". I only saw "UFO" sporadically in syndication as a child. My father was in the miliary and we moved around quite a bit. I first saw a Dinky Interceptor in a toy shop in 1972, and coveted one, but it would not be until '77 or so before I was able to buy one.

As an adult, I FINALLY got to see the series in it's entirety when the DVD sets were released a few years back. I was impressed with the overall quality of the stories, the fact that many of the endings were downbeat, and that not every question was definitively answered.

While "1999" ( despite it's flaws ) will always be my favorite Anderson show, I do wish that "UFO" had gotten a second series. I would like to have seen more.