Back in April 1987 I was a steward at the first (and other) TellyCon conventions held in Birmingham UK.
For the first event a few people from various shows were in attendance such as Kenneth "Marty Hopkirk" Cope, and Juliet Harmer from Adam Adamant Lives!. That day we also had the VERY great pleasure of welcoming Ed Bishop.
I must admit I was quite scared to meet him based on his character in UFO, but he could not have been nicer. I found him to be a genuine and down to earth chap and in fact of all things we ended up chatting about wall paper hanging and painting as he had taken a welcome break from decorating at home in Leicester to join us.
As we were in the green room it was a great opportunity to just sit and chat and there wasn't really that fan/star vibe. Kenny Cope was also incredibly nice and was amazed anyone even knew who he was. My friend Paul Tipton even picked him up at New Street station wearing a white suit!