New UFO Blu-ray boxset from ViaVision/Imprint Television!

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New UFO Blu-ray boxset from ViaVision/Imprint Television!

Marc Martin
Hi all,

In Australia, ViaVision/Imprint Television has announced a new UFO Blu-ray boxset, due to be released in March.  This is basically a compilation of various things already released in the past plus a few new things.  To me, the most significant new thing is their attempt to fix the picture quality issues that have been present on the past Blu-ray releases.  Not sure to what extent these fixes will be, I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Here is the web page describing the new release:

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Re: New UFO Blu-ray boxset from ViaVision/Imprint Television!

Manu San
thanks for info :-)
“What life is all about are the things we never say.” (Subsmash)
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Re: New UFO Blu-ray boxset from ViaVision/Imprint Television!

Bill Cotter
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
I have been impressed with the quality of the other items I ordered from Imprint so I jumped on ordering this set!
