Off topic (for some groups): My Thunderbirds box set arrived from the UK!

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Off topic (for some groups): My Thunderbirds box set arrived from the UK!

Keith Wilson-2
Yup! I now have all the eps of THUNDERBIRDS on DVD!

But I can't look at this cool box set without thinking of a SUPERCAR box (4
discs with 8 episodes each and a fifth with the final 6 episodes and
includes a one our retrospective on the series, yeah right in my dreams).

In a perfect world, such things would come to pass.

Also, to be all-inclusive, other box sets I'm waiting for:
Fireball XL-5
Captain Scarlet

But I'll make do with the THUNDERBIRDS.

And they look great, though there is some mild "squeezing" due to the
conversion from PAL to NTSC.

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Re: Off topic (for some groups): My Thunderbirds box set arrived from the UK!

Pam McCaughey
Hey guys - is it just me? Teletoon here in Canada aired Fireball XL-5 a
couple of yrs ago. I watched the first episode eagerly because as a 5 yr
old, I was thrilled to pieces by it. Well........I guess some things get
better with age, and some things don't. Talk about disappointed. Now these
eps were in B&W - were there ever any in color? But, it just wasn't the
color aspect. It was the plotlines, the puppets and the s/x - I'm so glad
G&S A got so much better in their later shows!
