Re: Awfully quiet

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Re: Awfully quiet

Marc Martin
Peter writes:

>Unfortunately FAB-L is broken, which doesn't
>help. Some non UFO things are getting posted here,
>but I can't help feeling there might be more
>discussion if FAB-L were fixed.

eGroups has a discussion group called "fansOfGerryAnderson".
I'm of the impression that FAB-L has essentially moved there.

>Now I am here, the (UK) Channel 5 documentary
>had some interesting footage of the UFOs which
>carried on to show parts of the set and some
>discussion about how they were made. I didn't
>see anyone on the list mention this, perhaps I
>missed it or this footage is known.

That footage is straight out of the 1992 Fanderson
"UFO Documentary" video, which is still available
from Fanderson. What I wonder is whether or not
there's any MORE of this kind of behind-the-scenes
UFO footage...

>And on yet another topic, I am surprised that
>there isn't enough for a UFO cutaway book. There
>are MANY vehicles, the studio, moonbase,
>the space suits, weapons and so forth.

I agree -- between the vehicles, the bases,
the various Alien vehicles, etc., there seems
like there's at least as much in UFO as there
is in Thunderbirds for a cutaway book.

Marc Martin, [hidden email]
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Re: Awfully quiet and a question for Marc

Christian J.
--- In [hidden email], Marc Martin <marc@u...> wrote:
> That footage is straight out of the 1992 Fanderson
> "UFO Documentary" video, which is still available
> from Fanderson. What I wonder is whether or not
> there's any MORE of this kind of behind-the-scenes
> UFO footage...

Marc, maybe you can ask THIS question to some of the guests at the

Hope you (and all the others) will enjoy it! And have a
comfortable flight, Marc!