Re: Moderation of Posts

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Re: Moderation of Posts

Marc Martin
Stephen writes:
>I would ask Marc to reconsider letting that one post
>through. It seemed on topic to me at the time.

Sorry Stephen, but at this point I don't even know what post you're
talking about. We've had a huge number of posts in the past several
days, and I've certainly rejected a few that didn't seem enough
on-topic, or wished to continue debating things which I've already
said are not a subject of this group.

I'm sure that having the list in moderated mode is going to upset
a few people who have their messages rejected, but like Straker
once said, "I don't make rules to have them ignored!" :-)

Anyway, I'm sure I'll get tired of reviewing messages and
we'll be back to unmoderated mode soon enough...

Marc Martin, [hidden email]