Re: Plots... (Was: green skin / amnesia drug)

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Re: Plots... (Was: green skin / amnesia drug)

Amelia said:
Gah! You want the entire plot? Why didn't you request something easier from
me, like the cure for the common cold? (g) I'll write you over on my
EdStraker alias. wait, maybe I should consider this a challenge...

<<<< Thanks a zillion, Amelia!! Beg on bended knees, kiss your feet.

Hmm. Plot for Identified. Here goes. Guy is with girls. Guy sees UFO. Girl
gets shot. Guy says run. Girl runs. Guy gets shot. Alien grabs girl. Girl
loses her heart over alien. Strikingly good looking Air Force colonel guy
takes plane ride. Then rides in car. Aliens shoot at car. Car goes boom.
Force Colonel rolls out and gets attractively bruised. Air Force colonel
to United Nations to get big bucks. Guys all laugh at him. He gets testy. He
makes it personal. He gets big bucks. Plus a big job bashing bad aliens. 10
years go by. Air Force Colonel Guy, now big movie guy pulls up at
studio..nah I'll continue in private.

Amelia (chuckling)

<<<< I'll go on chuckling here. If anyone outside fandom read this they'd
think we were all nuts, eh? :-))

I was wondering... Anyone have any idea whether certain episodes were
re-named in the US? And does anyone else have the problem of their TV station
showing the episodes in the wrong order? Though I'll be forever grateful to
German TV for repeating them for me, so I can -finally - get good copies on
video, I hate them for mixing them all up. It's like they put them in a hat,
shook them up, then threw them out in any order. Most illogical, as a certain
Vulcan would say!! :-))
