Re: UFO as a continuing weekly serial

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Re: UFO as a continuing weekly serial

Pam McCaughey
Hi Stephen - very valid points here about doing UFO2 as a continuing format,
from week to week, rather than separate episodic programs. I like it. The
X-Files is now doing the same thing, and certainly Dark Skies did the same
way. I agree it would keep people watching every week because they wouldn't
want to miss out on any events that would impact on next week's episode.

It's quite true about soaps - both day and night time. Having been an
afficionado of Dallas and Dynasty, and even Falcon Crest, I can say I either
religiously watched each week or taped the episode so I could still keep up
with events. My father (born 1935) was a major fan of Buck Rogers and Flash
Gordon - also the Roy Rogers serials when he was a kid. He loved the radio
show The Shadow, too. All continuing stories.

You commented, "Young people are drawn to a good sci-fi adventure. Women are
drawn by
attractive leading men. Even though the nighttime soap appears to be dormant
on American TV, that's not true. Millions of American men are drawn to the
continuing saga of the WWF (wrestling). They've turned this scripted sport
into a soap opera for men, and they love it. My point is, a sci-fi adventure
with a strong plotline could buck the trend of audience fragmentation, and
be a real ratings winner, worldwide." All very true.

Has anyone heard how Andromeda is doing on TV? I watched it once and just
couldn't get my head into it. Maybe it's just me.....I did like Earth: Final
Conflict, but the network kept moving it around until I couldn't find it
every week. I thought the aliens and their ulterior motives for their
involvement on earth was ripe for lots of interesting situations and plot

Ciao for now, Pam