SHADO Wives.

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SHADO Wives.

No, not the title of an upcoming series.  But the recent mention of THE CAT WITH TEN LIVES raised a question in my mind.  Considering the problems Straker had in maintaining his own marriage, what do married SHADO agents (such as Regan) tell their spouses?


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Re: SHADO Wives.

Bruce Sherman
They work for the military.. or a movie studio


From: Michael
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 9:39 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [SHADO] SHADO Wives.

No, not the title of an upcoming series. But the recent mention of THE CAT WITH TEN LIVES raised a question in my mind. Considering the problems Straker had in maintaining his own marriage, what do married SHADO agents (such as Regan) tell their spouses?


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