The Andersons vs disinformation

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The Andersons vs disinformation

Stephen Greaney-2

One appealing aspect of UFO was that it dealt with the double-lives
Shado personell led. UFO dealt with what it must be like to be an
intellengence officer, and the strain it put on family life. Although
UFO was made during the secret agent craze during the 1960's, I think
they were trying to make a point.

It has been pointed out in the book Hollywood vs the Aliens (which I
didn't bother to read), that the intelligence community has a long
history of influencing script production in Hollywood.

I think the Andersons were being very honest about that sort of thing
when they made UFO. They were letting us in on the joke. Hey, this is
what the movie business can seem like, US or UK.

Therefore, its only natural to play around with the information
that's out there, disinformation or not, when coming up with script
ideas. TV and movies are powerful propaganda tools, and everyone
should be aware of that.

Basically I'm saying that dealing with Hollywood types could be more
of an adventure than you might bargin for. As I said, I think the
Andersons were very honest when they dreamed up UFO.
