The Square Triangle has yet another dimension - maybe the "The Cubed Triangle"

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The Square Triangle has yet another dimension - maybe the "The Cubed Triangle"

Hi All,

The Square Triangle, a sardonic episode that must have certain members of SHADO wondering if all the effort is somehow worth it.

Anyway, in the Department S episode "The Man Who Got a New Face" Adrienne Corri - who looks much more glamorous, evocative and engaging than in UFO - plays the part of an actress "Monique". Well, during the filming of a short vignette, her character is shot and killed by her lover named "Cass"...

Now there's a twist of fate. It isn't mentioned what happens to Cass.

Best to all, Griff

PS. Department S was filmed at Elstree between 1969-70, was co-created by Dennis Spooner (he wrote "Destruction") and the creative consultant was Cyril Frankel (Directed: Timelash and The Long Sleep).

UFO "The Square Triangle" Filming Schedule: Wednesday, September 3rd - Monday, September 15th, 1969. Original UK Airdate: Wednesday, December 9th, 1970 (ATV Midlands)

There was a lot of "cross-fertilization" if I can put it so crudely within ITC/Elstree at the time, so I would expect there to be many other extra-dimensional occurances such as this one.