Thunderbirds :: videotape predicted

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Thunderbirds :: videotape predicted

anthonyappleyard <>
I saw the Thunderbirds episode "Martian Invasion" yesterday evening on BBC TV
2. In it, someone managed to film International Rescue activities despite
precautions, and one of Thunderbird 2's crew said "[we can't bulk-erase the
film at a distance] because it's not _magnetic film_.". (Magnetic audiotape in
the real world has been known since 1945.)

The episode name is because in the story a science fiction film was being made
when there was an accident on set and they had to call International Rescue.

The film Martian in the story was a humanoid in a spacesuit which was styled
like Ancient Greek hoplite armour. That style of alien was presumably meant to
look impressive and dangerous, but to me that image had been silly-ified by
that style of Martian being re-used later in light entertainment, in this case
in some Bugs Bunny cartoons. It is not the only time that cartoon makers have
done that: to me the dread image of Pluto the god of the deep underground
abode of the dead in Roman and Greek belief and myth, has been spoilt by Walt
Disney's utterly inappropriate re-use of the word as a name of a cartoon dog
whose only connection with the underground is burying bones.