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Ed Top
FORD: UFO heading for the west coast of Ireland commander. Sol one-decimal-four.

STRAKER: Those pesky aliens. Won't they ever give up. The thought of young women
being mutilated makes by bath run cold.

FREEMAN: Don't you mean blood?

STRAKER: That's right Alec. It makes my bloodbath run cold.

FREEMAN: No, I meant blood Ed.

STRAKER: Bloodshed? I think you've missed out the "s" and the "h" there Alec.

FREEMAN: Well I'm off to grab some lunch. There's a new restaurant in town
called "Le Frog" that I want to check out.

STRAKER: That restaurant is actually called "Leap Frog" but the "a" and the
"p" fell of the sign.

FREEMAN: There you go again with your stupid letters "s"  "h"  "a"  "p".

STRAKER: You wanna try and make something out of it Alec?

FREEMAN: Yeah, "shaddap" Ed.

STRAKER: SHADO? I never even mentioned SHADO.

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