Obvious answer is "no" - Vapes weren't in use in 1980 - even the 1980 foreseen by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. They weren't put into production until 2003/4, although according to the internet there was a patent taken out in 1965 for an electronic cigarette. Lack of interest and the state of 1960's battery technology meant it was never taken up.
But you can imagine it being taken up in the world of Century 21 (TV21 ran a series of anti-smoking comic strips which the Central Office of Information placed in several boys comics in the 1960's).
If there had been Vapes, would Straker have switched to them? Straker didn't drink because he wanted to stay in control, but obviously still needed a nicotine "hit". According to the Mayo Clinic one cigar has as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes. Despite the myth that cigars were "healthier" than cigarettes, the references I've seen say that cigars carry the same health risks. So, on health grounds, Straker might well have switched to "Vapes" - if he could find one that looked "cool" enough. Or he might just have quit completely.