You guys are just blowing me away...

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You guys are just blowing me away...

Stephen Greaney-2
Hi All,

Amazingly clear detailed thought... You know, math was never my best
subject. But the series was set 11 years in the future, why abandon
that? Also, I never said anything about leaving out actors from the
original series. As far as I'm concerned, the more old pros the

I, myself, am quite fond of serials, from Flash Gordon to Dallas. So,
I think along those lines. One major trend in television is the
fragmentation of the audience due to cable television, the web,
computer games and the like.

I think UFO2 could be a ratings success, if the stories had a strong
plotline that continued from week to week. A sci-fi adventure
formatted this way could generate wide appeal in America, especially
if it found its way to a major tv network (like the American showing
of The Avengers).

I don't want to bore you with the differences between day and evening
soaps, but I am going somewhere with this. You could say that daytime
soaps appeal to women because of the emphasis on emotional
interaction between the characters. Everybody knows about Dallas, so
draw your own conclusions.

Young people are drawn to a good sci-fi adventure. Women are drawn by
attractive leading men. Even though the nighttime soap appears to be
dormant on American tv, that's not true.

Millions of American men are drawn to the continuing saga of the WWF
(wrestling). They've turned this scripted sport into a soap opera for
men, and they love it.

My point is, a sci-fi adventure with a strong plotline could buck the
trend of audience fragmentation, and be a real ratings winner,

As far as Dark Skies fan fiction ect., I haven't got a clue.

