steampunk ufo paper model

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steampunk ufo paper model

well, i figured out how one would work, however the ufos would be earth based, and use air to get the hydrogen to steam and spin like a propellor. as soon as the uranium stripes on the bottom heat up the furnace, the micro hydrogen is steamed out and the tilted struts act like a prop. blasts of superheated hydrogen thrusters steer it, and the cabin up top, (lit green of course)is housed in a free spin track.
my only question before i start drawing this thing out for good, is do you, the audience, prefer a glass shell, or a metal shell?

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Re: steampunk ufo paper model

Glass please Jim.
You loose details otherwise.


--- In [hidden email], "aquaboi@..." <aquaboi@...> wrote:
> well, i figured out how one would work, however the ufos would be earth based, and use air to get the hydrogen to steam and spin like a propellor. as soon as the uranium stripes on the bottom heat up the furnace, the micro hydrogen is steamed out and the tilted struts act like a prop. blasts of superheated hydrogen thrusters steer it, and the cabin up top, (lit green of course)is housed in a free spin track.
> my only question before i start drawing this thing out for good, is do you, the audience, prefer a glass shell, or a metal shell?
> jim