still catching up with the postings...

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still catching up with the postings...

Stephen Greaney-2
Hi all,

When I post something, it's meant for everyone to read and comment
upon. As far as erotica and UFO, why not? Alexander the Great and
Rommel had homosexual encounters all the time. But cool guys like
Straker are cut from a different cloth. Now, those hot women on the
moon, I wonder about them...

UFO was about human relationships too, not just hardware. I'm at a
real disadvantage. I haven't seen the show since its original US run.
I don't want to appear judgemental about a lifestyle.

I sincerely doubt there was any attempt to drop hints of
homosexuality in UFO. I hope I've answered your question Pam.

My friends used to joke about the "Kirk - Spock relationship". I
never got the joke.

When I think of UFO2, I imagine sexual relationships as a element of
the series. But realistically, a sci-fi adventure series draws all
ages. I know ITC always considered the American audience as the real
prize (consider Space:1999). Americans are timid when it comes to
honest portrayals of sex, even in loving relationships. I wouldn't
push the envelope.

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"slash" fiction is not a subject for this list

Marc Martin
Stephen writes:
>As far as erotica and UFO, why not? Alexander the Great and
>Rommel had homosexual encounters all the time.

I should probably point out to our new members (welcome!) that
usually when the subject of "slash" fiction comes up on this list,
the discussion unfortunately generally deteriorates into a hateful,
nasty exchange. So as a general rule, it seems best to avoid the
subject altogether.

Marc Martin, [hidden email]
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Re: still catching up with the postings...

Paul Bowers
In reply to this post by Stephen Greaney-2
[I snipped as I felt appropriate, sue me if you want]

> When I post something, it's meant for everyone to read and comment
> upon. As far as erotica and UFO, why not?

Isn't there a difference between fan-continued possible events and the
reality of resurrecting UFO?

In my useless opinion, "slash" fiction detracts from the effort because
it will never appeal to large-scale producers.

Pam, I was once where you are, don't give up!
