Re:Hi just got your other e-mail now!

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Re:Hi just got your other e-mail now!

Pam McCaughey

Hi Karen - I didn't see your other e-mail til just now. WoW! I totally
didn't recall the Starsky and Hutch connection.....(but I avoided the show
when it was on TV anyway.....).

On the subject of slash, the most I feel I can say at this point, having
argued good taste, ethical writing and invasion of privacy with some others
who don't share my unappreciation for it, as a professional writer and
editor, I find it hard to stomach. The stories I saw had no love, no
affection, simple down and dirty stuff. But, considering Sesame Street once
considered portraying Bert & Ernie as a pair of gay lovers to teach the
children viewing tolerance (and the ensuing backlash by scared shitless
parents), there's no accounting for the audience's reactions.

I confess: I LOVE UFO for the gadgets, the ideas, the hardware, the
characters - so shoot me, ha ha!


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Re: Hi just got your other e-mail now!

Lisa Williams
Oooh, somebody brought up the S-word (and it wasn't me!)

Pam McCaughey wrote:

>The stories I saw had no love, no affection, simple down and dirty stuff.

Then I suggest that your exposure to slash has been very limited, and
obviously not representative of the genre (which is itself large enough
these days that it's hard to say any given type of story is
"representative", but romance of various types probably still predominates
as much as anything could be said to do so, at least in most fandoms.)

- Lisa
Lisa Williams: [hidden email] or [hidden email]
Lisa's Video Frame Capture Library:
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OT: Re: [SHADO] Re:Hi just got your other e-mail now!

Paul Bowers
In reply to this post by Pam McCaughey
> affection, simple down and dirty stuff. But, considering Sesame Street
> considered portraying Bert & Ernie as a pair of gay lovers to teach
> children viewing tolerance (and the ensuing backlash by scared
> parents), there's no accounting for the audience's reactions.

For more on this, see:

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Re: Re:Hi just got your other e-mail now!

In reply to this post by Pam McCaughey
Hi Pam,

It's a shame that you've been "exposed" to the kind of slash which you
describe. I've come across that kind of story in other famdoms, but luckily
not in UFO-related material. Everything UFO-related I've read has been very
loving and that makes all the difference. After all, there's nothing wrong in
love, no matter what age, sex, religion etc you are, right?! It does depends,
I think, on the way you're introduced to this subject.

But hey, don't think I'm trying to convert you. <G> It's great that you're
willing to discuss the subject, despite your aversion to it. I mean, isn't
that part of what being interested in futuristic sci-fi etc is all about,
learning tolerance and understanding etc? We do see that in UFO, after all,
and that helped to put the show years ahead of it's time, don't you agree?

But I'm interested in UFO primarily for the story-content, the subject
matter, the ideas, the hardware, the characters/actors etc, too, so you don't
have to worry about me shooting you!!! No way!!

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Re: Hi just got your other e-mail now!

In reply to this post by Pam McCaughey
Lisa wrote:

Oooh, somebody brought up the S-word (and it wasn't me!)

Pam McCaughey wrote:

>The stories I saw had no love, no affection, simple down and dirty stuff.

Then I suggest that your exposure to slash has been very limited, and
obviously not representative of the genre (which is itself large enough
these days that it's hard to say any given type of story is
"representative", but romance of various types probably still predominates
as much as anything could be said to do so, at least in most fandoms.)

- Lisa

<<<<< I absolutely agree with you Lisa!! That's exactly what I was trying to
say, but you said it in a much better way!!

What you said about the "S-word".... Oh dear, is this subject taboo on this
list? Because if it is then I find it a great shame. I had hoped we'd be able
to discuss ALL aspects of UFO fandom, and, as you said, slash is a genre
which is so large these days it's going to be hard to get around it unless
you join a list specifically for under-18s. I joined this list presumeing
that we were all adults here. I hope I'm not wrong. Tolerance and
understanding, I think, is so important, especially when dealing with a
subject that you don't personally agree with. It's so difficult to say
everyone is entitled to their opinion without offending anyone, though, isn't
