UFO movie batzanim.mpg

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UFO movie batzanim.mpg

Today I downloaded the UFO movie batzanim.mpg (animated by Bob
Hemmings). It is good. The introduction (title footage) is effective
and ominous.

One point: in the scene where the UFO and Skydiver fly in front of
the trees, they are presumably nearer and therefore smaller than the
part of the tree that each hides, and therefore much smaller than in
the rest of the movie.

When a spinner is flying, how does Bob cope with the stroboscopic
effect? (This is the effect often seen in cowboy movies where a
stagecoach wheel seems to be rotating slowly backwards, due to
interplay of the frame frequency and how many spokes (or gravity
plates) are passing per second.)

How much of the background is real and how much is computer-generated?
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Re: UFO movie batzanim.mpg

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Re: UFO movie batzanim.mpg

Pam McCaughey
In reply to this post by Anthony.Appleyard
How can I access the UFO movie batzanim.mpg - I'd love to see it! Pam
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Re: UFO movie batzanim.mpg

Rob Hemmings-2
Hi Pam,

It's here:


Make sure you read the download instructions (yellow), as it'll take
ages to download if you're connected using a modem (30+ mins at
k56/V90/56k, an hour at 28k)!

>How can I access the UFO movie batzanim.mpg - I'd love to see it! Pam

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Re: UFO movie batzanim.mpg

Bill Cotter-3
In reply to this post by Anthony.Appleyard
My hat's off to the creators of this MPG (even though you seem to have a
definite pro-alien tendancy!) Some really great work there, and it was
very entertaining!

Bill Cotter
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Re: UFO movie batzanim.mpg

anthonyappleyard <MCLSSAA2@fs2.mt.umist.ac.uk>
In reply to this post by Anthony.Appleyard
Re having to use Simply 3D because Lightwave costs too much: Poser 4 and Bryce
4 are affordable and both can animate (but Bryce can't input Poser animations
yet). http://www.buckrogers.demon.co.uk/temp/ds_tch3b.zip is a (zipped) .AVI
movie that I made with Poser 4 (but not about anything UFO). See
http://www.renderosity.com for information about them and how to buy them and
downlaod correcrtion packages etc and extra props and characters for them.
Poser 4 outputs movies in .AVI mode. It can make characters change their
posture during a movie sequence.

http://www.buckrogers.demon.co.uk/3d/getlwtex.zip is a Windows program that I
wrote that can translate Lightwave models into .OBJ + .MTL mode including
getting the texture mapping right.